Sunday, October 22, 2006


رمضان طوا سيايده... وعزم عالمسير....
يا عسا ربي يعوده علينا ونحنا في أحسن حال ...
وعسانا نكون لربنا اقرب.. وبطاعته اسعد..
ما لنا غير الرجا من رب العالمين انه يتقبل طاعتنا ونكون ممن عتقت رقابهم من النار

The days are over.. surprisingly they seemed like yesterday.. but this is how it feels when you have a very special guest.. days seem to be minutes and minutes seem to be seconds..

Lets just hope and pray that our deeds are accepted..

Eid Mubarak..

Zakat ul fetr

عن إبن عباس رضي الله عنه قال: "فرض رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم زكاة
الفطر طهرة للصائم من اللغو والرفث وطعمة للمساكين. من أداها قبل الصلاة فهي زكاة
مقبولة ومن أداها بعد الصلاة فهي صدقة من الصدقات

Narrated Ibn 'Umar: Allah's Apostle made it incumbent on all the slave
or free Muslims, male or female, to pay one Sa' of dates or barley as
zakat-ul-Fitr. (Book

I would like to stress on the importance of giving out this zakah before tomorrow's eid prayer..

Keep in mind that it should NOT be monetary wise "dhs, dollars etc" instead it should be what was the Prophets sunna "rice, dates etc" .. (والصاع من القمح يساوي تقريباً 2176 جراماً،)

In the market now you can find it already packed by the government.. you can buy it and that itself can be divided into few portions for different people..

Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: We used to give one Sa' of meal or one Sa' of
barley or one Sa' of dates, or one Sa' of cottage cheese or one Sa' of Raisins
(dried grapes) as zakat-ul-Fitr.
Reason: the reason behind it being in items not in money is because
there is the kind of zakah that we have to pay on our money .. also..
money is a changing variable while the rest isnt..

Some might argue that the Hanafi's suggest that it is possible to pay money although Maliki's and shafii's said its not allowed... well.. ma tomleeh 3alaikom '6ama2irikom.. !

Sunnah of Eid:
PLEASE PLEASE remember to eat something before going out for your Eid prayers.. preferrably if it was dates (odd numbers: 1, 3, 5) that was the Sunnah.

Main Point: Break YOUR FAST people.. !

For those in the UAE, i just wanted to tell you that its going to be crowded.. people are going to be parking in all awkward places.. just keep the smile.. its EID and you don't want to end up in a fight on the first day of Eid because of a traffic issue.. ;)

Keep that smile.. for tomorrow is Eid..


Practical Utopian said...

LOL sorry but it just hit me as soon as i saw the pic..

lovely post my dear.. thank you for the valuable reminders. Eid Mubarak to all and may God bless everyone!

DoTs... said...

DG: amen

Seraaph: well.. considering that all the other pics didn't end up to be nice.. glt a76 hai awaneh :D


Yo.. i am expecting 3idiyati.. will send you my bank account number :giggle: wellaaaaaaaaaa.. bafakr fi shai '3air 3an il floos :p

Arab Lady said...

HAppy Eid...may all ur wishes come true ya rab


Anonymous said...

يسعدلي مساكم يارب ولك تئبشوني شو حلوين.