Tuesday, February 06, 2007

القدس تستغيث

بدأت القوات الإسرائليه بتجريف التل الصغير الواقع عند باب المغاربة أحد أبواب البلدة القديمة والمؤدية إلى الحرم القدسي وإلى حائط المبكى الذي يقدسه اليهود.
السبب كما يزعمون: السلطات الإسرائيلية تؤكد أن الأشغال تهدف إلى تدعيم جسر خشبي تضرر خلال عاصفة ثلجية منذ سنتين
السبب: عودوا لأعمال الحفريات التي تقوم بها السلطات الإسرائليه تحت الأرض من أنفاق لتنفيذ مخططتاهم
ماذا باليد؟: أقل القليل الدعاء الخالص

Work has begun in a mound near Jerusalem's holiest site, raising tensions between Palestinians and Israelis !!! ( i deleted the part that said "...begun to repair a mound" for i don't see it as a repairing act)
Reason: archeological reasons according to Israel .. but what about the tunnels that are dug underground for the last previous years...and the search for the TEMPLE.. oh tell me its not going to affect the "archeological" situation of the Mosque !!!!
Remember what happened in 2000!!!!! Remember Sharon's attempt.. remember what happened?
Oh what was that about EXPANDING the WAILING WALL?????
الله أكبر على من طغى واستكبر


Sleepless In Muscat said...

it was always known that they were digging under the foundations of the Al Aqsa mosque and one day there will be a day when they will face of all the entire Muslim nation in retaliation to such a thing and nothing will ever stop us, then.

Allah y3een 3ala eli jay inshallah - goli bas ameen

Anonymous said...

Who will stop the Israelis if the Palestinans themselves are fighting with each other? It is really disgusting & depressing to see our Palestinian brothers fighting for power while neglecting the main issue, something which Israel is using to its full advantage. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this.

May Allah guide us to His right path.

Hot Lemon& Honey said...

So true DG we are busy destroying our self while others are building.

DoTs hope all is well.

Practical Utopian said...

this reminds me of the days when i used to read many news articles from such different sources, maybe a couple of years back..
aba a3arf sho baystfedoon from all this? the negative points far exceed the positive!

Anonymous said...

الله أكبر على من طغى وتكبر

اللهم اعز الاسلام و المسلمين واهدي المتخاذلين ووحدهم

اللهم ارفع مقتك وغضبك عنا

اللهم زلزل الارض تحت اقدام الصهاينه

اللهم ارنا في اليهود عجائب قدرتك في تدميرهم

اللهم انصر المسلمين في كل مكان و دمر أعدائنا يارب العالمين