Wednesday, February 14, 2007

كالشمع يبكي وما يدري أعبرته
من حرقة النار أم من فرقة العسل



Anonymous said...

Well, I guess most of the time we shed tears for people who don't deserve. Correct me if I am wrong.

My advice: Forget your past, and start working seriously towards a bright future insha'Allah. Getting up after every fall is the only thing that counts. Every thing else only leads to more depression. And don't think that you are the only one who fell down, most people at one time or another go through this phase in their lives. The brave ones come out of it much stronger & wiser, while the weak ones drown themselves to death in their own tears. The choice is yours now, whether you want to be counted amongst the brave or the weak? Hope you got the point. Good Luck :-)

Anonymous said...

عزيزتي ...

ماأقدر غير إني أكتفي بالصمت أمام هذا البيت

فهو كبير بكل مايحمله من معاني

DoTs... said...

ترى مب أنا اللي كاتبتنه أخافكم أنغريتو فيه :p

dg.. excuse me but i believe that shedding tears is a way of comforting the soul.. the most painful tears are those that are shed for people who deserve every second of your life... if you don't value them.. or "it" 7ata.. you wouldn't feel the pain..
people who shed the tears are not necesseray that they cry because of pain only.. sometimes its happiness.. sometimes its fear..
what would you explain "اللهم اني أعوذ بك من قلب لا يخشع ومن عين لا تدمع ومن دعوة لا يستجاب لها"

Burjwazi.. أشكرلك مشاركتك المتواصله أولا
في واحد قال "“البكاء للروح كالوضوء للمسلم" :)
واذا انعدم الماءللوضوء أما شرع التيمم؟

العزيزه عاشه..نفس الإحساس يوم قريته...

btw.. لو حد يعرف تكملة الأبيات ممكن "يسعفني" بها..جوجل ما نفعني

Anonymous said...

Either I was not able to explain my point of view well or maybe I misunderstood your post. In both cases, I am sorry.

DoTs... said...

either i did not clearly understand what you meant or i wasn't able to clarify my point too.. :)

dg there is nothing to be sorry about :)