Friday, February 23, 2007

Change ideas..

If i asked you to take over the blog for a month, what changes would you make?
1. name
2. layout
3. topics discussed
4. anything else !


Anonymous said...

مابغير وايد أشيا

بس يمكن بخليه بالعربي

يا عربي يا إنجليزي
أما نص ونص

وأكتب بالإنجليزي بس هو عربي بعد بلغيه

بس فالنهايه
لو ماكانت دوتس بالهشكل ممكن ماكنت إنجذبت من مدونتها

Anonymous said...

hmmm some colour - sometimes it looks plain white :)

Please don't change the name - I like you blog name - "lost dot" I think it's very cute, yet has depth in itself. I think it goes well with your thoughts, sort of gives it a matching personality.

topics discussed - anything and everything about UAE, ME region and your wonderful poems are shawarmas to the soul : )

DoTs... said...

اختي عاشه.. انتي مب أول شخص يقولي تشي بس تعرفين شو مشكلتي اني احس اني اقدر اعبر اكثر بالانجليزي(بالرغم من الأخطاء اللغويه والإملائيه ) . احاول أدخل العربي كل ما استهوتني مقاله او شعر او خاطره صغيره.

تعتقدين لو سويت 2 بلوغز واحد بالعربي وواحد بالإنجليزي بيكون أحسن؟
اشكرلتش اهتمامتش :]

i understand what you are saying.. my previous template had a bit more color.. hopefully in a month or so i'll change the template.. will look for something "colorful" (summer season :p )

when i started my blog 2005 i felt lost.. now.. i sort of know who i am at least the definition of my character ..

lol thanks for the shawarma compliment.. i try to avoid politics as much as i can.... but sometimes i can't .. issues in ME do get frustrating you wanna rant about them at the end of the day..

thank you .. :D

uae: so real.. this is what i aim for.. but sometimes i find it difficult.. w 3an il layout.. i'll change it soon.. although this layout only lasted for.. a month? ever since el monta5ab fazaw :)

what kind of issues you'd wanna see here.. ?

Practical Utopian said...

i'd change the layout.. i love the things u put on the side bars, very interesting to look at.. the layout kaif ba'3ayreh.. ur gazelle pic, the one in ur profile, i love it so much.. i might photoshop it and try to make it work as a watermark.. the banner, will make it have the same theme. a7is it will look beautiful. otherwise, a theme with dots; not the one that blogger has, but something kinda different.. ma3arf kaif ashra7.. a7es those two would suit YOU wayid

name, wouldn't change it.. it's you. topics discussed won't change them either, it just makes you so you. ana personally i like to write properly and formally, so i might make the posts like that. it would make the posts lose the dots.. which basically lose the entire idea behind this blog.
i guess that's it.

Hot Lemon& Honey said...

I love the fact that your blog is not too colourful yet not so plain. Clean and easy on the eyes.
And I agree with everybody, A LOST DOT you should never change. So unique and meaningful.

DoTs... said...

practical utopian:
i was expecting a longer list.. :p
the dots idea i had it in mind for a while..but you know how picky i am
so until i learn few more html codes i think i'll manage to do somethingng
7abait fekrat il gazelle too..
imagine i gave you the total freedom.. you then will DELETE ALL MY DOTS?????? OH GOD lol
thanks sweetheart :D

HL&H: when i was deciding on the colors i was giving practical utopina hell of a time with all my weird moods..
lol .. i was trying to choose between a bluey one and a lemon green template..!
how did i reach to this template? i have no clue :D
thanks dear.. if there was anything i could improve please tell me.. :)

uae: lol a9lan i was hesitant.. but thoughts of a new blog are roaming in my mind..
w shokran 3ala il na9ee7a il a5awiyah.. never hesitate if with il na9ayi7 :D

wayid shokran ..
thanks a lot for all of your insight.. kelkom

Anonymous said...


موضوع مدونتين راح يشتت قرئك ويشتتك

وإنا قلت رأيي ... لأنج طلبتي هالشي

بس قلت يمكن لو كتبتي عربي يمكن ماراح أنجذب لج

أهم شي إنج تكتبين وتسوين الي إنتي مرتاحتله

DoTs... said...

اختي عاشه رايتش من أهم الأراء كونتش صاحبتة خبره طويله :)
تسلمين ولا تبخلين برايتش سواء طلبته او لا... :]


Anonymous said...

I agree with what 3asha said, don't mix up arabic with english. Sometimes, you use both in a single sentence & it is difficult to understand. Apart from that, I don't think you need any change, its perfect :-)

By the way, where is the remaining portion of the entrepreneur book review?

i*maginate said...

i would talk about sex

DoTs... said...

Dg: i will update about it in the coming week inshallah.. got carried away reading Richard Branson's book and my other issues :)

yah well..that's what makes people different.. different interests :)