Wednesday, February 07, 2007

When it rains at almost midnight..

Those little "ticks" on the 5 windows that surround my room SHOULD be the soothing sound at such a time when i am tucked hugging my pillow and closing my eyes tightly trying to force myself to sleep..!!! apparently they weren't.. rain sometimes depresses me.. yes there are times when i ran "with" the rain (jogged is a better word) and that was so exciting.. there were times when i danced with the raindrops and together we wrote a story.. or a part of a reality.. but there were many times when my tears got mixed with the rain drops and if not for their taste.. the sand wouldn't have known the difference.. call me weak.. but that is how i feel right now.. helpless.. and weak.. probably wishing if i can be out there.. and feel the raindrops washing away everything........

my mind right now looks like that Polaroid picture effect Picasa has when we collage several pictures; in my case those pictures are nothing of what i'd want to collage.. but 3a goolat 5alid il fai9al..

استطيع امنع لساني لايقول
واستطيع امنع عيوني لاترى
واستطيع امنع يديني لاتنول
لكن المشكل انا وشلون احول
دون فكري لو خيالي به سرى
شارد افكاري على رغمي تجول
كل ماعن الهوى والا طرى

There are people who sub7an allah.. they have the ability to really shut down their mind from certain things.. its like they have a button somewhere at the back of ther scull maybe.. and if there was something they don't want to think about.. just press the button and there you go.. that is good.. because it means they have the ABILITY to do that.. we all have the ability i guess.. it needs practice..

A Lost Dot:
“Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain”


UAE ALIAS said...

ppl always think of the things that mean something to them the most... u can ingore what doesn't really matter to you, but when you care you just can't ignore... but as much as you live, as much as you learn to ignore... coz u get more in touch with the fact that nothing really matters.

Practical Utopian said...

i love hearing the raindrops... always look forward to them.

remember hun, just like u were able to once write a story with the rain, u can always write new ones.. and it'll be a beautiful rainy day

i remember once reading somewhere that ppl, long ago, used to think that rain was the tears of angels, crying to cleanse the earth from its unpleasantness.. dont human tears do the same thing? tho we cleanse other things ;)

DoTs... said...

uaealias.. trust me.. there will be time when you'd really realize that the tiny small details are the ones that matters :)

thanks for passing by.. :)

al7een azgrch seraaph wella utopia wellaaa sho.. it was an interesting night.. did i make it sound like a depressing post il hal darajah.. ? :p
t3arfeen for some reason my font t'3ayar !! don't know how !!! was i sleeping when i wrote what i wrote? :p

Anonymous said...

@ p-utopian: [remember once reading somewhere that ppl, long ago, used to think that rain was the tears of angels, crying to cleanse the earth from its unpleasantness]

I heard/ read the same thing..can't remember where..maybe checked it in cartoons or something.
@ dots- personally speaking it is okay to be weak and so immersed in some thoughts, but remember that it should be temporary.I really enjoy some moments of weakness because eventually those moments make me way too strong, cz i keep promising myself that i wont repeat living them =)best thing in life is learning from an experience.
In life it is crucial to learn from experience. don't ask urself whether or not you can distract urself..just see if you wanna clinge to whatever phase ur living=) The how is later on!! now just focus on the passion..maybe it might be good to be lost for sometime...;) u never know


DoTs... said...

e5ti fatima.. believe me it lasted for a very very short period.. up until i read g9eedat 5alid il fai9al kelha.. w few seconds later " a5atha al nawmo makanaho fi wasa6 romooshi.. wa zadaha the8lan " w regadt lol

u know me.. i don't hold my tears most of the time.. yes there are times i run back to my cocoon.. actually many times.. but when am out .. i try to be as "fine" as possible.. :)

la 5alani rabi menkom !

Anonymous said...

Always remember, no matter how long or dark the night is, there is always a brand new bright day after it. My advice, remain patient & optimistic for the future :-)

Hot Lemon& Honey said...

DoTs, beautifully written. I know how you feel and I wish I had that button, I would pay all I had to get one.
I love rain.

Anonymous said...

I was browsing by - just wanted to say the first paragraph and the last quote - they are so very beautifuly told.....had me thinking & reading it over and over gain.

I think you are a gifted poet - copyright these and sent 'em to the publishers hurry : )

DoTs... said...

DG.. thanks a lot for the advice :)
HL&H: maybe if we start a business of such buttons we'd be the richest in the world :p
rosh: welcome to my blog.. can't promise to offer popcorn, pepsi & nachos.. :p but i do know that you'd find a place where thoughts are written most of the time !

btw.. thanks for the compliment :)