Saturday, April 14, 2007


Day after day.. memories are stacked one after the other.. some of which are in the back of the old archives.. dusty.. but brought out .. some of which are freshly baked.. hot and tasty from the oven..

Those are our memories... each has its own taste.. bitter or sweet or even sour.. they are in our mind.. at the back of it or in the shelves labeled "new" ..

Many times i tried to run away from them.. act like they never existed.. wear a mask and if confronted by that "guest" i'd have a straight face and walk past ... but guess what.. i fail..

Memories are an important ingredient of our life.. it is like making a chocolate fondant with no "chocolate" .. so is our memory.. the question would remain how would we want them to shape us.. will we allow those "extra calories" to be stacked in our memories or shall we wake up the following day and hit the gym and burn those calories...

It is us who shape our lives.. our attitude towards things and the way we perceive life itself.. i was told that "perception is a reality" but wondered whether that is true or whether "reality is a perception"..

Honestly.. i perceived things differently.. and i believed in what i wanted to believe.. subjective was i or objective.. but i know that i took things for granted.. and paid the price... i wouldn't say "wear your pink lenses" and perceive life as jolly and colorful as it is.. and neither would i say "wear your black shades" .. however.. perceive life in the most realistic way .. with its sorrows and grief.. happiness and joy.. it comes in one package.. take it as it is.. decide how to let it affect you.. and move on.. for life does move on..

If you lost someone .. in this world.. in a small hut somewhere in an isolated country.. a person lost two of his family members.. if you failed an exam.. others don't have the funds to study.. if your car broke.. others can't walk because of the blisters they developed walking barefeet every day... Whatever a problem you are going through.. always keep in mind that someone else.. in this wide world.. someone is in a deeper problem than you are.. have faith in how things are meant to be.. and honestly.. i always believe that everything is meant to be for a reason.. your worst worst incident can be the reason for your most successful and happiest ones.. trust me in that..

Always remember.. things will change.. you just need to have a lot of patience..strength.. and endurance .. that is what i was told one day.. and that is what i believe in now..

A Last Dot:
... plain dots....


Practical Utopian said...

hopefully things will change to the better, not to the worse.

rosh said...

" always believe that everything is meant to be for a reason.. your worst worst incident can be the reason for your most successful and happiest ones.. trust me in that"

Yeah I trust you - cause these are my honest sentiments too! I think whatever happens, happens for the better - we may not realize it instantly - however even as we go thru immediate tough times, things will be better in the long haul.

I say so because (touchwood) I've been thru tough times in life - and back then I used to think, what now - life seriously is not worth living. In retrospect, I view the chain of events which made me what I am today - I agree your above statement is as true as truth itself.

Plus - true indeed life is made up of memories. No memories, no life!

Wise & mature words DoTs - thanks for helping reaffirm.

Anonymous said...

when I think at night of how life is treating me, I know that Allah swt is giving me what i can handle...

no matter how harsh things are with individual's every person is capable of handling specific challenges.

I dearly think that life wasn't rough with me, at all is just the way i want to complicate it...

couple of days back i was in a low mood thinking that everyone is AMANAAH and ppl should not abuse their duties...n then all of sudden i was intrinscly motivated n smiling...n felt like...PPL with special needs are not the one's who cant speak see or have intellectual problems...the ones with special needs to fatmh are the one's who have everything yet they mask their eyes, honesty, hearing, faith...'9ameir name it!! i was in an odd situation ;) n i kinna of collapsed at a certain instant but then i was like...
( the good part of the bitter memory) is that i decided not to abuse power..because i didnt like the experience.

plz no one thinks like i used to think...EDUCATED DUDES HAVE A SHIELD N THEY R CONSIDER IT...N N N N!!! I say everyone who tries to be selfless...who gives space to others..who considers needs...who think with n3am allah would commit less mistakes...

most ppl know what is wrong..even athiests...we all have the radar within...but the trick is..being honest with oneself..trying to find truth...I dnt care if someone is drug addict, a stupid dictator, arrogant...they all evaluate their acts...the only thing they do different is some actually question those acts they do..n some reward themselves by the action they do..

we are all made up of good n evil..;)

regarding perception..i still believe everything goes in the mind...6ab3an God gives every one his/her share..but some shares u work..u get...there is no one way of working...besides whn ppl argue in this point..the poor is poor, the lucky is lucky..the the the..the opposite of this argument is terms that categories ppl (lucky, miserable, lousy, healthy) are all perceptions...i saw a nearly messed up health..n i thought they are absolutely the healthiest...
