Monday, May 21, 2007


A Lost Dot is in the process of a total makeover..

i changed the template for the time being .. but this is just a temporary template.

If you have any ideas or suggestions ... please don't hesitate..

Thank you for making A Lost Dot more "dottable" ;) ..


Anonymous said...

كل شي من إيدج حلو أهم شي تبعدين عن الأسود انا استانست يوم نورت المدونة

قعدت أدور من وين هالنور

DoTs... said...

تغيير مؤقت
في وايد أخطاء من الصوره للخط والباقي بس انشالله في بغير ها كله

ولا يهمتش الأبيض بيتم :)

الله يجعلنا من أهل الصحايف البيض

Anonymous said...

No Botox ? No Collagen ?
I could take this to an extreme version, but then I remembered that you have comment filtering. :)

Good Job.

Anonymous said...

It looks really good. mabrook the new look! :-)

DoTs... said...

Annonymous Take it to the extreme.. i don't filter my messages anymore .. it seems THAT annonymous is .... watever..
il mohim.. do suggest things please.. the collagen and the implants.. btw this won't be the final look.. i'd need like a month.. probably with the launch of the "summer surprises" lol
Yallah share your thoughts..

Who-sane it has a lot of graphical issues which i am ignoring for the time being. Thanks for your comment.. and do share some ideas as how to improve the lost dot.. :) thanks.

Anonymous said...

where did my comment gooooo

DoTs... said...

0.o SZ
blogger where is his comment..

Do me a favor and type it againnnn..

Anonymous said...

i said nice except for the header. u could have used a less blurry, clearer pic .. also, give the post more spacce by narrowing the right column

just random thoughts

DoTs... said...

sz now this is the kind of comments i NEED .. :D
thanks a lot.. was actually thinking of moving out to wordpress.. but you know how things are these few days.. fa lain i settle down a bit...

il header wel margins.. why don't you fix it for me :D (please)

flamin said...

Okkkk...let's see :D

1. Your page takes time to load. Allow about 10 posts per page (if you have it as more).

2. Don't use very high-res images on your blog. Compress them using PS.

3. Please refrain from using fonts such as Verdana or Arial Black--I despise them.

4. Make logical columns. The column with your profile can more to the right side.

5. You need colour! You need a theme that remains consistent throughout the blog.

Anonymous said...

md said it all...reminds me of my graphic teacher...

take ur time e5ti.

Anonymous said...

fatmh, now imagine what a terror I would be if I had a degree in Design :P

BuJ said...

I wore my glasses bas ba3d.. mashay.. i even clicked refresh :P

eh, how did u know i wrote glasses? lol is it that obvious!? bas ana mb ashlag

rosh said...

Hmmmm - my two fills:

(i) Align the verbiage/commentary to the left and (most) non-post related graphics to the right. This way it gives the screen a much "tidied up" feel.

(ii) Colour, colour and much colour.

(iii) And most important - the UAE flag, where has the flag disappeared?

Plus - everything MD says on the font and high resolution images.

Can't wait for the "after" set :)

Hope all else is well.