شو بتسوون؟
edited: translation added!
متى تستطيع أكل الدود؟
ابويه كان يقولي " كليهم قبل لا ياكلونتس" عادي لا تجلبون ويوهكم !! ما تشد كلتوا دود؟
على الطاوله اللي حذالكم شي مله.. (باول) بالإنجليزي
فيها من ما تشتهي العين من ما نسميه " بالنبج" وما ألذه من نبج
اللي مايعرف النبج فهو نوع من أنواع ثمار شجرة السدره (صححوني تشاني غلطت) المهم
لذيذه وصفرا
لا بنها لينه وذاويه
ولا بنها ملغه
تنعرف من ريحتها انه بتكون " عسسسسسسسسسسل"
بكل عفويه ولا إراديه و تلقائيه كأنه بياكلونها عنكم....ننقض كالأسود..
وتطلع توقعاتنا ولا أحسن..وين توقعات بروكرية سوق الأسهم يتعلمون
وانتو تاكلون وتتلذذون شي يقولكم شوفو تلايا الصلامه
الا وشي ابيض صغير يتحرك بسرعه يندس في بقايا النبجه
وتتوقفون عن المضغ ويدور في بالكم سؤال
أفلح (يعني أتفل يعني أي سبت ذا فوود) ولا أسرط بسرعه وأنا مغمضه عيوني ولا طاااااااااااف أكلها قبل لا تاكلني؟
طبعا الكلام ينطبق على اللوز بس ها له قصه شوي غير ان الله عطانا عمر لين موسم اللوز
So.. what was i talking about above..
My question was basically... when can you eat a "worm" !!!
yes yes.. don't give me this disgusted look.. dad used to tell me "eat them before they eat you" i.e. when we die!
one thing i really enjoy is to seasonal fruits..i love it when its mango's season.. when its date's season.. and every kind of dates is in a different time.. you know its nice to eat a fresh fruit at its season rather than a frozen biowhatever it is called and looks not fresh and tastes: tastless !
So i was enjoying this bowl of nabj.. don't ask me what it is in english i have no clue..
its a small round green fruit that grows in a tree called "sedr".. it comes in different tastes.. and sizes..
i was looking at this bowl with really tempting "nabjs".. they arent bittery green.. and not so ripe... they looked so fresh..
and i spot the one i want.. i can smell its smell and just drool.. i imagine its sweetness before even biting it..
i take it... smell it.. (i have this habbit of smelling the food first ) and then bite it..
and doesnt that taste ssssssssooooooooooooooooooo goood !
you feel the sweetness waking all the tastebuds in your tongue.. you'd enjoy every bite.. until for some reason you decide to look at the what is left of it.. and there it is..
looking at you from the leftover of the nabj's flesh.. poking his head and suddenly going inside after a summersault in the air.. and then you ask yourself a life turning question:
Should i spit it?
Close my eyes and swallow it?
or act like i never saw anything and "eat it before it eats me?"
Now what would YOU do !
*ettafil edoodeh 3aleich*
3aleich bl 3afyeh ;)
I love nabj...why DoTs why .....
يزاج على الله
على طاري النبج لول ونحن صغار فيه نبج الي مافيه صلام
ياربي لذيذ ويذوب وطعمه يجنن
فيه بعد النكن أو الصبار الي ايي لولبي وعباره عن قطع لحميه بيضا وداخلها حبوب سودا
هذا بعد لذيذ
وفيه اللمبو بو الروان
يع استغفر الله مول مادانيه
سوالفج حلوه وهلعتيني عالنبج
بسير أخرف من السدره الي برع بس الجو غبار مايساعد
وهالله هالله بالدود
:( interprete ....me no understand...but me curious to know...
eeeeks! No way can I pretend I didn't see it...and its gonna eat me anyway, whether I eat it or not. Better if it doesn't eat me from the inside. ohhhh I am going to go and be sick now...
What DID you do, btw? :D
yuck yuck yuck! now you've got me ewwwing on Nabj man - they are (or should I say WAS) sweet and yummy : )
so didya spit it all out or swallow : )
Practical utopian: loool '6a7aktini !
laymoun 7ar w 3esal: i'll put some in the freezer for you when u come back home .. :p
ام مريومه هاك النبج كنا نظارب عليه عادي نتكافخ بطول ايدنا عليه...ماشي منه يمكن انقرض شرا الأشياء الغاويه
الصبار كنا ناكله لين يازم مصرطنا ناشف! بس لذيذ
اللمبو بو الروان: ما عيبني يوم انا ياهل ولين الحين ما يعيبني
خرفتي من السدره؟
digital nomad: i'll tell you one day :p lol
see it depends on the situation.. how tasty it isssss.. and did i actually see it or FELT it.. lol am i disgusting you :p
mitsuki you should try a thai dish.. they have worms as an ingredient !
rosh hey man.. on which place on earth are you now ! lol
well if i spit it i would have wasted a bite of that delicious nabj ! :p j/k
you should have had your share of nabj when u were in Dubai !
Next time you come i guess it would be mangoes season.. ! :D
LOL "laymoun 7ar w 3esal"
Thanks ;)
lol...yes i know how you SMELL food. that habit of yours is more disgusting than eating a worm..lol!
eeeooowww...i would puke!
now i cannot see a fruit without thinking of this ...*gross*
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