في قصاصات جريدة اليوم
رفض شابان سعودي وكويتي مصافحة إسرائيليين خلال المؤتمر الثالث للحائزين على جائزة نوبل الذي بدأ أعماله أمس في مدينة البتراء الأردنية بمشاركة نحو 40 من الحائزين على الجائزة.
وقال شهود عيان لوكالة أنباء يونايتدبرس انترناشونال إن الشابين فوجئا بإسرائيليين من المشاركين في المؤتمر يتقدمون نحوهما لمصافحتهما وعندما علما بجنسيتهم رفضا مصافحتهم وغادرا القاعة.ويشارك الشابان في أعمال مؤتمر الحائزين على جائزة نوبل ضمن عدد من شباب المنطقة حيث يخصص جزء هام من أعمال المؤتمر هذا العام للبحث في قضايا الشباب في المنطقة
ماذا كنت ستفعل لو كنت مكان أحدهم
hmm tough one.. i'd probably shake hands first then think about it and feel really bad and regret it!
if i had time to think i'd probably reject.. bas i need to know more about the guys.. some israelis i'd shake their hands.. but very very few.
yeah i will
shake their necks e aw3'aaad hally nage9...
ana men goom "لا للتطبيع"
grrrrrrr Im just angry for the idea...
So dots, what about you? what do u think?
Buj why would u regret it..?
say the guys were students.. or as it is mentioned its a Nobel Award Summit .. age: seems youths.. laneh its about them..
uae alias
you really wanna know? i'd shake hands with the females of them.. i'd sit with them.. probably invite them for a cup of coffee and discuss the reason we are here.. yes i 'will avoid politics.. i'd listen.. i am sure that i will learn something out of it.. shaking my hands with them or listening to them or sitting with them would not mean that i AGREE with them.. bs ma ymna3 ini asma3 w at3alam.. a5eth ili aba .. w a6anish il baji..
uh yeah,shake hands with people who were raised to hate us... who have family members who are killing Arabs, who believe we are a lower race than them.
let me ask you this
if someone who killed your family came to shake hands with you are you going to accept it!?? hell no you won't coz in this case the pain will be more direct...
Our sisters and brothers in there are being killed because of those who you are welling to shake hands with... if you aren't to shake hand s with someone who killed your family you shouldn't be willing to shake hands with those ANIMALS
at some point, I salute the two Khaleeji young men for this action.
i will definitely shake hands with them .. (and joke and make them laugh )
intresting !!!!
first off all what is ja2zat nobel ???
تُعطى جائزة نوبل في تاريخ 10 ديسمبر من كل عام لمن يقوم بالأبحاث البارزة، أو لمن يستطيع ان يبتكر تقنيات جديدة أو من يقوم بخدمات إجتماعية نبيلة
5dmaat ejtma3yaah nbeelah <--- i will leave the word nabeelah to u if u want to search for the exact meaning : )
so in a way they did the right thing to ignore those THINGS that came to say Hi ,,
but arnt muslim ppl always talk about israel in a bad way . . we hate them so much AS WE SAID and the whole world know about that so they now that also ..
y did they come to say hi .. maybe they have a bad reason like they want to show us that there is always a good MINDS to negotiate with so they can explane there point of you and those KSA and Q8 guy can present our point of view on a respective way but what the heck ,, = )
any way the important part i will shake hand i have to know what they want from me : ) f'9ooly raheeb :P
and who said that we dont shake hand with isra2eleen ???!! i want to know
coz from what i c and what i think WE ARE DOIN THAT EVERY DAY IN A WAY OR ANOTHR . . . :) i will keep the rest for u ....
naaah u need to say more .. just one more Question ..
did our prophet mohammed 9ala allah 3aleeh o sal.lm shake his hand or EAT with alyahood ?
mmmm im just wondering =)
some time we dont have to put or point view .. we have to put our point of view with the respect of our hertage and our islamic history ,, and if we dont have to shake the real reason of why our ppls are dieing every day i think most of us wont shake each other ..
sorry for the the long comment lost ..
uae alias
عروبتي لا تساوم
not with a handshake
not with a talk
not with whatever it was.
are more powerful than bullets these days.
الحوار عمره ما بيهز عروبة المرء لو كان المرء واثق من أساس ولائه " لعروبته
Amjad fair enough if this is what you believe in. :)
Sz :)
i know you would. And i respect that about you..a lot.
i won't comment about the nobel prize ..
it is important to listen to my "enemies"... and see their point of view in certain things. We cannot deny that they are better than us in many things. Listening would teach us things.
I loved what you said about "who said we don't shake hands with isra2eliyeen" and i'd add "jews"
All what we need to do is look around us. They might not have "tel aviv airport" stamp on their passports or "religion: jewish" but they are way more jewish than you can imagine. Instead of a land they have properties in Israel yet a villa in X and a yacht in Y (x & y are gulf states)
Your last paragraph summed it all. Because of our enemies we learnt to read between the lines (3ashana nshafir kel shai thani) ;)
from YOU.. it was a "sweet" gesture
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
تسلمين يا دوتس على هالبوست
أنا معاج وراح أسوي نفس الشي راح أتحاور معاهم
لازم أراويهم محاسننا نحن المسلمين العرب
واحد من الإخوان قال هذيل تربوا على كرهنا
يعني هم كأرواح بشريه مالهم ذنب
يعني إنته من تطلع في هالدنيا ويقولولك لا تاكل هالأكله ولا تقربها لأنك بتموت وهالرساله توصلك بشكل متواصل ويومي
أكيد بتحرم هالأكله
نفس المنطق
كثير من الإسرائيلين واليهود بس يتعرفون علينا عن قرب ... يبتدون يتفكرون في مبادئهم ويعيدون حساباتهم
وخاصه هذيل صغار فالسن
وبعدين نحن وايد متناقضين
مالأمريكان يهود صهاينه
عادي نسلم عليهم ونشاركهم وناكل أكلهم
ماأقول غير الله المستعان على هذا الزمان
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته عزيزتي عاشه
باعترفلتش انه كنتي من الأشخاص اللي حابه أعرف رايهم في هالموضوع خاصه بحكم سفراتش بريطانيا وخلفيتش العلميه
عيبني اللي قلتيه أنه
"يعني هم كأرواح بشريه مالهم ذنب"
كانت الوالده الله يحميها دايما تقول ازرعوا الخير ولو عند عدوينكم
كبرنا وكملناها
it will always pay back ;) (بالإنجليزي)
وبعدين نحن وايد متناقضين
مالأمريكان يهود صهاينه
عادي نسلم عليهم ونشاركهم وناكل أكلهم
مب بس تشي..ويدرسونا بعد
مشكوره يامريومه عتواصلتش
btw.. i believe in humanity about politics or religion or arabism.. after all religion promoted humanity.. and that is to respect human life.. which is why we have to protect ahl el kitab and not fight in al ash'hur al 7urum.. and mamnoo3 wa2d el banat etc..
i've met in the past a few jews (maybe around 5-10) who enjoy making friends with muslims, and especially arabs, and especially palestinians (that's a prize for them).. why?
jews (israelis and non-israelis) feel guilt and feel distanced from arabs.. and sometimes they want to have a few friends (usually 1-2 will do) who are muslims/arabs and that makes so open minded and raises them even more above us. let's not forget they believe jews are the best people in the world.. and they look down at other religion.. where islam actually encourages respect between people.. was it Omar who opened Al Quds without dropping one drop of blood from his enemies?
Anyway.. for example.. i remember meeting an israeli in the airforce a few years back..a female.. she actually wanted to go out with me even.. which is enough to put me off women for life.. but she wanted to be seen to have arab friends at the least so that it justifies her zionist perspective.. etc..
so that's why i'll probably shake hands with them (coz they are human) and then regret it..coz they are killers or at least they support killing my people...
however on 2nd thought i'd probably enjoy shaking their hands and then go on to talk a bit more seriously about the mad things they do in the name of their religion.
and yes, i've done it before.. and haven't found a jew with a good argument.. one told me palestine is not arab but ottoman and we can invade ottoman lands because there is no ottoman khalifate.. so obviously it's ok to just invade countries arab and non-arab!!! lol sakhaaafa
mind you i'm yet to meet a hard-core zionist.. most of the guys i met were academics.. softies.
I would have never run away from shaking hands. Why ignore & punish people for the wrong policies of their governments? What would have been our opinion if one of us was in the place of israelis?
BUJ well.. what can i say.. that sounded more like you.. (and it is a compliment :p ) la seriously.. i agree with what you said.. its quite true.. but the last sentence made me laugh .. so until you meet the zionist.. we shall just stick to what you have wrote up there..
"softie" awaneh ! lol
Dgif we were in the place of isreali believe me.. we might have worse intentions than being arabs..
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